We are proud to announce that 78018 has ran its first passenger trains on the Great Central Railway. This year marks 50 years since 78018 was withdrawn from BR service.
Below is a collection of images from the gala.

The Chairman Barrie Lamb seen with Brian enjoying a footplate ride.

Richard cracking open the champagne to celebrate,
Left to right: Andy from the Loughbrough Standard Locomotive group, Barrie Lamb (DRPS Chairman since day one), Mark, Jess, Richard, Lee, Paul, Brian and George. George and Barrie have been around since day one.The people present in the above photo are only a few of the people involved in the 35 year restoration of 78018. A few notable people who are not in the photo include Malcolm our current Chief Mechanical engineer, Barrie Cox, and people who are no longer with us including Mike Brown and Jackie Leng.
The DRPS wants to thank everyone involved in 78018's restoration, and anyone who have supported us during the course of the last 35 years.