Firstly an apologies for the lack of updates over the last few months but between house moves and work I have not had as much time as I would have liked. It has been a busy few months so here is a brief round up of our activities. 

Wickham News

 Work on the restoration of MP007 is makeing great progress, we have replaced the badly corroded panels and have comenced rumbing down the paintwork.

On the engine front, we are now fitting a new clutch and have had the engine started.

Steam Locomotives

 Northern Gas Board Number 1 is currently down at the Cholsey and Wallingford Railway on hire, and can be seen there from the foreseeable future.

Restoration work on 78018 bis continuing at the Great Central Railway in Loughbrough, the work is on going.

I will add a more in depth updates as soon as time allows.