As you can see the wickham is now approaching completion with just finishing touches,
A closer view showing some of the details, and high quality of the paintwork.
20 inchgauge news
Its is a little known fact that we have some locomotive built by Ruston. Far as we are aware the only place other than in the country with 20inch gauge is the North Bay Railway in Scarborough.
Here is the loco in the workshop with the bonnet removed.
Close up view of the two cylinder diesel engine.
This engine is a two cylinder air cooled hand start engine. The fuel pump works.
The cylinder head is remove to allow the cleaning and inspection, also the freeing off of the two cylinders. The engines injectors have been sent off for refurbishment.
Looking down the bore of the cylinders. The engine is now free, and will be reassembled and tried to see if it fires. Watch this space for more news as it happens.
Museum Update The new improved displays are taking shape.
The improved displays are taking shape. Mark re-painting the floor. Richard re-painting the floor. The finished section,
These two images show you the displays coming together.
So come and see what is happening at our next big open day on May 31st between 10 am and 4 pm.
Specail thanks to Richard for his help in providing some of the photos for this update.