- Darlington Head of Steam Museum: www.darlington.gov.uk/Leisure/headofsteam/headofsteam.htm
or: www.head-of-steam.co.uk
- Great Central Railway: www.gcrailway.co.uk
- North Bay Railway: www.nbr.org.uk
- Teesside Small Gauge Railway: www.tsgr.co.uk
- North Eastern Locomotive Group: http://nelpg.org.uk/
- Kirkby Stephen East Website: www.kirkbystepheneast.co.uk
- Wickham of Ware - Wickham Railway Vehicles: finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/WickhamofWare
- National Railway museam: nrm.org.uk
- Tanfield Railway: www.tanfield-railway.co.uk
- Tees Cottage Miniuature Railway and Cleveland Assocation of Model Engineers: http://www.tcmrail.co.uk
If you have a website and want a link to appear here, please contact the secreatry on paul@drps.org.uk